Levels of Care for Alcohol Addiction Treatment

Last Updated: November 3, 2023

Editorial Policy | Research Policy

Addiction and recovery differ for everyone, but many treatment plans are available for those recovering from alcohol at any level.

When a person decides to seek treatment for alcohol addiction, multiple care levels are available. Some are more intensive, whereas others offer a lower level of services.

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The ASAM Levels of Care

The American Society of Addiction Medicine (ASAM) specifies multiple levels of care for those needing addiction treatment. 

1. Early Intervention Services

The lowest ASAM Level of Care is early intervention services, which are placed at level 0.5. These services are provided to those at risk of substance abuse problems but do not yet meet diagnostic criteria for addiction. For example, someone who has begun experimenting with substances may be referred for brief counseling or educational groups to prevent addiction. 

2. Outpatient Services

At level 1.0 of the ASAM Levels of Care are outpatient services. These are provided to motivate people to participate in recovery. Services are offered for under nine hours per week. Patients at this level of care report to a facility or clinic for regular appointments and may participate in individual and group counseling. 

3. Intensive Outpatient/Partial Hospitalization Program (PHP)

The next two levels of care are intensive outpatient services, at level 2.1, and partial hospitalization programming, at level 2.5. Intensive outpatient care is provided to those with more complex needs than those who benefit from standard outpatient services. Intensive outpatient programs offer at least nine hours of service per week. 

Partial hospitalization programs are even more intensive, providing at least 20 hours of service per week. These programs suit those who have struggled to engage in treatment and have complex needs that do not require 24-hour care. Patients receiving partial hospitalization services often report to a facility every weekday and participate in different services, including medication management, individual counseling and group therapy. 

4. Residential Rehab

Residential rehab is placed at level 3.0. Patients in residential rehab live on-site at a treatment facility while receiving care, meaning they can access services around the clock. Residential rehab programs offer structured care with at least five hours of clinical services per week. These programs can meet the needs of patients who lack support within the community or who have been unable to stay committed to recovery when faced with triggers and stressors in daily life. 

5. Medically Managed Intensive Inpatient Services

At level 4.0, medically managed intensive inpatient services, the highest level of care, provide around-the-clock access to nursing services and daily care from a physician. This level of care is appropriate for patients who face acute problems resulting from intoxication or have a high risk of withdrawal. 

Our Levels of Care for Alcohol Addiction at The Recovery Village Kansas City

At The Recovery Village Kansas City, we offer comprehensive alcohol addiction treatment services. Current levels of care provided include residential treatment, partial hospitalization services and intensive outpatient care. Contact us today to begin your recovery journey. 


Medicaid and CHIP Payment and Access Commission. “Access to Substance Use Disorder Treatment in Medicaid.” June 2018. Accessed August 13, 2023.

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