Alcohol & Drug Treatment Center in Liberty, Missouri

Last Updated: December 15, 2023

Editorial Policy | Research Policy

Liberty, a vibrant city in Missouri, has been doing its part in providing treatment resources to its residents struggling with substance abuse problems. 

Despite the city’s efforts, substance abuse remains a challenging issue. The Missouri Department of Mental Health shows an increase in treatment admissions in Clay County since 2020. The admissions are specifically for alcohol, methamphetamines and opioid misuse.

The city has many resources for substance abuse treatment. These include specialized rehab centers, support groups, and prevention programs. They help people on their journey to recovery.

Our Closest Facility

Seeking help for substance use and co-occurring mental health disorders is crucial to recovery. The Recovery Village Kansas City Drug and Alcohol Rehab is the best option for Liberty residents. Our professionals focus on delivering personalized treatment plans. They consider both the physical and psychological aspects of alcohol addiction.

The Recovery Village Kansas City Drug and Alcohol Rehab

The Recovery Village Kansas City Drug and Alcohol Rehab is a well-known facility. It offers leading treatment programs that are comprehensive and individualized. The center provides a supportive environment conducive to healing, growth and recovery.

Why choose us?

Our team comprises professionals from different fields, such as clinicians and therapists. These experts are dedicated to helping patients regain control of their lives. They offer personalized help for each patient, delivering effective therapies.

Contact Details

  • Location: 11901 Jessica Ln, Raytown, MO 64138
  • Contact number: (816) 710-5883

Please contact The Recovery Village Kansas City Drug and Alcohol Rehab. Our Recovery Advocates can provide a wealth of resources and more detailed information about the facility.

About Liberty, Missouri

Liberty, Missouri, in Clay County, is recognized for its rich history, vibrant arts community and welcoming small-town atmosphere. It serves as the county seat and is deeply rooted in American history. Liberty is known to be the site of the first daylight bank robbery in the U.S., famously attributed to the James-Younger Gang.

This city has about 33,000 residents. It combines small-town charm with big-city amenities. The local community enjoys different cultural attractions, neighborhood parks, distinctive dining and unique shopping experiences. Liberty is the home of William Jewell College, which is a prestigious private liberal arts college. This college attracts students and scholars from all over the country.

Yet, Liberty, like many communities nationwide, faces alcohol and drug abuse challenges. Substance abuse issues are a big concern for public health and safety in the city. Locals have noted a rise in alcohol and opioid abuse in recent years.

As a result, city leaders and community organizations have taken action against this issue. They have launched initiatives such as public awareness campaigns and rehabilitation programs. 

Substance Abuse Rehab Programs Near Liberty, Missouri

The Recovery Village Kansas City Drug and Alcohol Rehab offers effective rehabilitation programs. These programs are proven to help those dealing with substance abuse. They are designed to guide individuals back to health and wholeness.

We understand that every person’s struggle with drug addiction is different. That’s why we provide personalized treatment plans for each individual. Thorough assessments are used to determine the best course of treatment. This is how we tailor programs to each person’s needs.

Medical Detox

Medical detox is the first step in addiction recovery. It helps with withdrawal symptoms as the body removes substances. Our medical staff is highly trained, and our plans are personalized. This creates a safe environment that reduces the risk of relapse.

Residential Treatment Programs

The Recovery Village Kansas City Drug and Alcohol Rehab provides residential treatment programs. Patients can receive 24/7 medical supervision. They are in a supportive environment, without daily life triggers and pressures.

Partial Hospitalization Program (PHP)

Our PHP offers support and treatment after residential care ends. Patients reside onsite, gradually gaining independence and responsibility in their recovery. While attending fewer hours of daily treatment, they continue to receive full support from their treatment team.

Intensive Outpatient Treatment Program (IOP)

Our intensive outpatient treatment program (IOP) provides tailored therapeutic services for clients transitioning from inpatient care to home, addressing addiction and co-occurring disorders.

Dual Diagnosis

Mental health struggles and substance abuse are often linked together. Many people have both at the same time. This is known as dual diagnosis, or co-occurring disorders. Effective addiction treatment should address both substance use disorders and mental health conditions. This is why we provide dual diagnosis care as part of our offerings.

Medication-Assisted Treatment

Patients with severe alcohol or opioid use disorder may find relief through approved medications. With medication-assisted treatment (MAT), our healtcare providers give you these medications to reduce cravings and lower the risk of relapse.


The Recovery Village Kansas City Drug and Alcohol Rehab offers aftercare and alumni services. These services ensure ongoing support and enable successful long-term recovery.

The Recovery Village Kansas City Drug and Alcohol Rehab aims to provide support and guidance to individuals in the Liberty, Missouri area. Our facility helps people overcome addiction, navigate their path to recovery and reclaim their lives.

Common Co-Occurring Disorders in Liberty, Missouri

In Liberty, Missouri, several co-occurring disorders are commonly seen by healthcare professionals. Co-occurring disorders, or dual diagnosis, happen when someone has multiple mental health and substance use disorders at the same time. People with these conditions often face complex challenges because the conditions can worsen each other.

Depression and Alcohol Use Disorder

One of the most frequent co-occurring disorders is depression and alcohol use disorder (AUD)

Depression is a common mental health disorder. It is characterized by persistent feelings of sadness. People with depression also lose interest in activities. 

On the other hand, AUD is a condition involving harmful alcohol use despite negative consequences. Both conditions often exacerbate each other. The individual uses alcohol to manage depressive feelings. This leads to a vicious cycle.

Anxiety and Addiction

Another common co-occurring disorder in Liberty is anxiety and substance use disorders. Anxiety disorders are a group of related conditions. Each condition has unique symptoms. All of them involve excessive fear and nervousness. Substance use disorders involve repeated substance use. People continue despite health, work, school or home issues.

Schizophrenia and Substance Abuse

Schizophrenia and substance use disorder also frequently co-occur in Liberty. Schizophrenia is a severe mental disorder. People with schizophrenia interpret reality abnormally. This often leads to hallucinations, delusions, and disordered thinking. Treating schizophrenia becomes difficult when there is a substance use disorder. This is because illicit substances can worsen the symptoms of schizophrenia.

Addressing these common co-occurring disorders requires integrated treatment that simultaneously tackles both disorders. Contact a healthcare provider or local mental health facility for accessible treatment options in Liberty, Missouri

Recovery Resources in Liberty, Missouri

If you or someone you know is looking for help with drug or alcohol addiction, Liberty, Missouri has a variety of resources available. You can find support, treatment, and recovery services in the area. 

Substance Abuse in Liberty, Missouri

Substance abuse is a major issue in Liberty, Missouri. It affects many citizens and their families. In the area, people commonly misuse illicit drugs, prescription medications, and alcohol. It’s important to understand the size and type of this issue to effectively prevent and treat it.

Illicit Drugs

Clay County treatment data shows marijuana, methamphetamine and heroin are the most commonly abused illicit drugs. 

As of 2022:

  • 99 people from Clay County were admitted to treatment for marijuana misuse
  • 179 were admitted for methamphetamine
  • 103 were admitted for heroin abuse. 

Prescription Drugs

Prescription drug misuse, especially opioids, is a significant concern in Liberty, as it is across most of Missouri. According to data from Clay County, as of 2022: 

  • 97 residents were admitted to treatment for prescription opioid misuse
  • 21 were admitted for fentanyl addiction. 

These figures represent an increase from 2020 treatment admissions data.  


Alcohol abuse remains a significant problem. In 2022, 251 Clay County residents were admitted to treatment for alcohol misuse. Alcohol was responsible for the largest number of treatment admissions among county residents. 

Dealing with drug abuse in Liberty requires a comprehensive approach. It should include enforcement, prevention and treatment. Law enforcement, healthcare providers, educators, community organizations and citizens all have roles to play. They can all help reduce substance abuse and its damaging effects on individuals, families and the community.

Warning Signs of Substance Abuse

Substance abuse can be a silent burden, but awareness of the warning signs can prompt early intervention in the recovery process. 

Common signs you need to be aware of include:

  • Behavioral changes: Anything drastic like mood swings, irritability, bouts of hyperactivity or even general changes in attitude can be a clue.
  • Physical changes: Sudden weight changes, bloodshot eyes, nosebleeds, altered eating or sleeping habits, and poor physical appearance can be warning signs.
  • Problems at school or work: Sudden poor grades, skipping school, loss of interest in school-based activities or work or complaints from teachers can be a warning sign.
  • Financial issues: Constantly asking for money without a plausible explanation, stealing or lack of necessities despite having money are common signs of drug abuse.
  • Legal trouble: A sudden surge of complaints about disruptive activities, fights, accidents, illegal activities or other legal issues should raise concerns.

Remember, noticing these signs does not necessarily mean a loved one is abusing substances. They may also be signs of other issues, such as stress or mental health disorders. However, if you notice these signs consistently, it might be time to have a respectful, open conversation with them or to seek professional help. Visit SAMHSA’s Substance Abuse Treatment Locator for help finding a treatment center near you.

Alcohol Addiction Treatments Near Liberty, Missouri

Alcohol addiction affects many lives nationwide, including in Liberty, Missouri. There are many treatments available to help people take control of their lives again and return to a healthier way of living. These options can be highly personalized to meet each individual’s needs.

Alcohol Detoxification

Detoxification is the initial step in treating alcohol addiction. The main goal of detox is to safely manage the physical symptoms of withdrawal that occur when someone stops drinking alcohol. Medical oversight is often necessary during this process to ensure the safety and comfort of the individual involved.

Residential Treatment Programs

For some individuals, a residential rehab program may be the ideal solution. Programs like these offer a structured setting without distractions or triggers. This allows patients to fully concentrate on their recovery. These programs often include individual therapy, group therapy, and family counseling. They also have educational sessions to help individuals understand their addiction better.

Outpatient Treatment Programs

Outpatient programs enable people to live at home during substance use disorder treatment. These programs can range from intensive day treatments to less intensive ones focusing on relapse prevention.

Group Counseling and Therapy

Group counseling and therapy sessions are a key component of many treatment programs. Group sessions help people with alcohol addiction connect and learn from each other. These connections can provide critical support during the recovery process.

Individual Therapy

Most addiction treatment programs require one-on-one counseling sessions with a trained addiction counselor. Therapy can aid individuals in addressing personal issues tied to addiction. They can learn new coping strategies and plan for a healthier future.

Every person’s journey to recovery is unique. The right treatment option depends on the individual’s specific needs, the severity of the addiction and the resources available. With the proper support and care, recovery is possible.

The Opioid Epidemic in Liberty, Missouri

The opioid crisis has not spared Liberty, Missouri, as is the case in many communities across the country. The misuse and overuse of opioids have increased significantly. These opioids include prescription pain relievers, heroin, and synthetic fentanyl.

Several local and state resources have mobilized to combat the crisis. Together, they provide effective treatment options for those struggling with opioid addiction. 

Opioid Overdose Deaths in Liberty

According to the Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services, the state has seen an increase in drug overdose deaths since 2016. As of 2021, there were over 2,000 drug overdoses in the state, and about 70% were from synthetic opioids like fentanyl. Various local, state and federal initiatives are in action to support individuals grappling with opioid addiction.

Opioid Addiction Treatment Options in Liberty

In light of the opioid crisis in Overland Park, numerous treatment options for opioid-related issues are accessible. These include:

  • Medical detox: This is the initial phase of treatment for opioid addiction. When the body gets rid of alcohol and drugs, it can cause uncomfortable and sometimes dangerous withdrawal symptoms. Our trained medical staff is available 24/7. They provide personalized treatment plans for secure detox. The goal is to reduce the chance of relapse.
  • Residential rehabilitation: Patients in residential rehab live at the treatment facility full-time. They get meals and accommodations at the facility instead of home. These programs typically offer different services. These services include individual and group therapy, medication management, support groups, and recreational activities such as yoga.
  • Partial hospitalization program (PHP): Our PHP offers additional support and treatment after residential care. Patients live at our facility and gain independence and responsibility as they recover. They attend fewer treatment hours but still receive full support.
  • Intensive outpatient program (IOP): Our IOP offers more flexibility during your transition. It is designed for those coming from residential or PHP care. This program effectively combines an intensive level of opioid addiction treatment with the flexibility to manage your outside responsibilities.
  • Dual diagnosis: Dual diagnosis occurs when an individual experiences both a substance use disorder and a mental health condition simultaneously. Health professionals may use terms like comorbidity or co-occurring to describe this situation. Diagnosing and treating both disorders is essential for effective recovery.
  • Medication-assisted treatment (MAT): MAT combines medication with counseling and behavioral therapies to treat opioid use disorder. MAT aims to address the physiological and psychological aspects of addiction.
  • Aftercare: After treatment at The Recovery Village Kansas City Drug and Alcohol Rehab, we prioritize aftercare planning. Our goal is to connect you with the right people and resources for long-term recovery. The personalized aftercare plan maximizes your chances of success beyond rehab.

Government Resources for the Opioid Epidemic

The Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services (DHSS) has started an initiative called ‘Time to Act’. The goal of the initiative is to tackle the opioid crisis in the state. This problem has greatly affected cities like Liberty.

Liberty city officials have also sued opioid distributors and manufacturers. They want reimbursement for the costs of healthcare and criminal justice caused by the opioid epidemic.

Find Lasting Recovery in Liberty, Missouri

Regaining control of your life and starting your journey to lasting recovery is always possible. Liberty, Missouri, is a supportive community. That’s why the city is committed to helping people find the courage and resources they need to overcome their struggles.

The Recovery Village Kansas City Drug and Alcohol Rehab is a part of this supportive recovery community. Our facility offers evidence-based treatment services and outstanding amenities. While you recover, enjoy an exercise gym, a full outdoor basketball court, art activities and more.

Remember, recovery is not a journey you should take alone. Support is one of the most powerful tools in your path to lasting recovery. We encourage you to take the first step and reach out to a Recovery Advocate today.

It’s time to get your life back. Speak with a Recovery Advocate about treatment for drug and alcohol abuse.


Missouri Department of Mental Health. “Substance Use Disorder Treatment Fiscal Year 2022 Clay County.” 2023. Accessed December 10, 2023. 

National Alliance on Mental Illness. “Depression.” August 2017. Accessed December 10, 2023. 

Mohamed, Ikram, et al. “Assessment of anxiety and depression among substance use disorder patients: a case-control study.” Middle East Current Psychiatry, 2020. Accessed December 10, 2023. 

American Psychiatric Association. “What is Schizophrenia?” August 2020. Accessed December 10, 2023. 

National Institute on Drug Abuse. “What Are the Signs of Having a Problem With Drugs?” January 4, 2021. Accessed December 10, 2023. 

National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism. “Understanding Alcohol Use Disorder.” 2020. Accessed December 10, 2023. 

Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. “Intensive Outpatient Treatment and the Continuum of Care.” National Library of Medicine, 2006. Accessed December 10, 2023. 

Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. “Medications for Substance Use Disorders.” October 3, 2023. Accessed December 10, 2023. 

National Library of Medicine. “Drug Use and Addiction.” November 15, 2019. Accessed December 10, 2023. 

Bayard, Max; McIntyre, Jonah; Hill, Keith; Woodside, Jack. “Alcohol Withdrawal Syndrome.” American Family Physician, March 15, 2004. Accessed December 10, 2023.

United States Drug Enforcement Administration.” Kansas City.” Accessed December 10, 2023. 

Mutschler, Christina, et al. “Community-based residential treatment for alcohol and substance use problems: A realist review.” Health and Social Care in the Community, February 2022. Accessed December 10, 2023.

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What To Expect

When you call our team, you will speak to a Recovery Advocate who will answer any questions and perform a pre-assessment to determine your eligibility for treatment. If eligible, we will create a treatment plan tailored to your specific needs. If The Recovery Village is not the right fit for you or your loved one, we will help refer you to a facility that is. All calls are 100% free and confidential.

All calls are 100% free and confidential.