Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP) in Kansas City

Intensive outpatient programs help individuals in recovery as they prepare to exit residential treatment.

What Is an Intensive Outpatient Program?

The intensive outpatient program (IOP) at The Recovery Village Kansas City provides clients with comprehensive care as they prepare to transition from inpatient care to living at home. In our IOP, clients attend several hours of therapeutic services throughout the week. Treatment is tailored to address the vast impact of addiction and co-occurring disorders. 

Is intensive outpatient treatment right for me?

If these resonate with you, our IOP could be the next step in your recovery:

  • I need more support than traditional outpatient treatment provides.
  • I have recently transitioned out of inpatient care or a partial hospitalization program.
  • My family and work commitments make it difficult for me to be away from home for weeks at a time
  • I have a safe and supportive home to live in while attending IOP.

What To Expect In Our IOP

IOP is a common next step in recovery after inpatient rehab. Our IOP provides patients with robust daytime therapy, so they can receive comprehensive support and prepare for living at home. 

Patients participate in a minimum of nine treatment hours per week. This includes medical appointments, individual therapy sessions and group therapy. Our holistic program is designed to help you navigate recovery by supporting your strengths and developing your strategies for sober living.

Individual and group therapy

Expert medical care

Medication management

Treatment for mental health disorders

5 Benefits of IOP

Speak With Admissions

Speak with a Recovery Advocate who can answer your questions and get you the help you need.

Using Insurance for Intensive Outpatient Rehab

The Recovery Village Kansas City is in network with most national and local insurance providers across the United States. Our team is available to verify your insurance coverage or review private payment options with you. We work diligently to make treatment accessible for our patients.

FAQs About Inpatient Rehab

How long is intensive outpatient rehab?

Typically, patients spend a few weeks up to several months in IOP. Each individual is unique and will work with our team of experts to determine the appropriate program length for them. Our staff take into account your treatment goals, level of dedication to treatment and recovery progress, as well as your medical concerns.

Is drug or alcohol detox included?

IOP does not include medical detox. If needed, you can complete our detox program first before transitioning to an IOP. This structure is set up for patient safety. Individuals detoxing require more intensive support to monitor their medical needs.

Do intensive outpatient rehab programs work?

IOPs provide a crucial step in recovery for patients to transition back into the community after residential treatment. With our IOP, you have access to comprehensive support, medical care and therapy as you transition. This allows you time to develop and practice sober living strategies with full support from our staff, lowering the risk of relapse and overdose after completing rehab.

Is transportation provided for IOP rehab?

Our IOP does not provide transportation. Patients are expected to set up transportation for themselves to and from their IOP treatment appointments.

How can I pay for intensive outpatient rehab?

Depending on your policy, your insurance may cover some or all of the costs of intensive outpatient rehab. Plans vary in coverage, copays and deductibles that patients are responsible for. The Recovery Village Kansas City team can verify your insurance coverage for you. We can also speak with you about private payment options if insurance is not available.

Will I lose my job if I go to rehab?

There are federal laws in place to protect covered employees from losing their jobs while in rehab. IOP is also structured so that you can schedule your treatment appointments around work.

Explore Other Levels of Care

Our full range of treatment options and personalized treatment plans ensure every client gets expert care that meets their needs.

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What To Expect

When you call our team, you will speak to a Recovery Advocate who will answer any questions and perform a pre-assessment to determine your eligibility for treatment. If eligible, we will create a treatment plan tailored to your specific needs. If The Recovery Village is not the right fit for you or your loved one, we will help refer you to a facility that is. All calls are 100% free and confidential.

All calls are 100% free and confidential.