Partial Hospitalization Program (PHP) In Kansas City

Our partial hospitalization program in Kansas City can support your transition to independence in addiction recovery.

What Is a Partial Hospitalization Program?

Our partial hospitalization program (PHP) offers patients the next level of support and treatment after inpatient treatment. Patients live onsite at our residential facility and transition towards more independence and responsibility in their recovery. They attend fewer hours of treatment each day but maintain their treatment team’s full support.

Am I ready to enter PHP?

Your clinical team may recommend PHP as the next stage of your care if:

  • You have completed medical detox and/or residential treatment
  • You still need daily support but not as intense as residential treatment
  • You have a mental health disorder(s)
  • You want to learn more tools to help with a successful transition to life after rehab

What To Expect In Our PHP

PHP helps you transition from living with the intensive support of inpatient treatment back to your life in the community.

While attending PHP, you will receive treatment five to seven days per week and complete around 20 hours of programming. Our staff will help you create an individualized treatment plan that may include:

A safe, substance-free environment

Expert medical care

Medication management

Treatment for mental health disorders

Speak With Admissions

Speak with a Recovery Advocate who can answer your questions and get started in our medical detox and rehab program.

Using Insurance for Partial Hospitalization Rehab

Our facility is in-network with most insurance plans. Our Recovery Advocates can help you verify your benefits and discuss payment arrangements.

FAQs About Inpatient Rehab

Will I be forced to finish the PHP?

We strongly encourage our patients to complete their recommended treatment length and goals. Leaving early can increase the risk of relapse and overdose. However, as long as you are not a danger to yourself or others, you can go anytime.

Do partial hospitalization programs work?

PHP helps people transition from the intensive support of inpatient treatment to living at home. PHPs balance the care you need and the independence and responsibility of a less intensive treatment schedule. This support level helps lower the risk of relapse and overdose upon discharge from inpatient care.

How can I pay for PHP?

We accept most insurance plans. Your insurance may cover all or part of your treatment; however, you may still need to pay some of the cost. If you do not have insurance or we do not accept your insurance plan, we can discuss private payment options and arrangements with you.

Will I lose my job if I go to rehab?

It varies from state to state, but several laws and regulations can protect you from losing your job, if you qualify.

Will I lose my kids if I go to rehab?

Everyone’s custody situation is different. But, attending and completing rehab can increase the likelihood that you follow a successful recovery plan and decrease the negative impact of your addiction on your children.

Explore Other Levels of Care

The Recovery Village Kansas City offers a full continuum of care. From inpatient or residential treatment to intensive outpatient rehab, we help you find the appropriate level of care to meet your individual needs.

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What To Expect

When you call our team, you will speak to a Recovery Advocate who will answer any questions and perform a pre-assessment to determine your eligibility for treatment. If eligible, we will create a treatment plan tailored to your specific needs. If The Recovery Village is not the right fit for you or your loved one, we will help refer you to a facility that is. All calls are 100% free and confidential.

All calls are 100% free and confidential.